The Four Elements: Exploring the European Roots of Elemental Systems
Jamie Waggoner is a priestess, writer, traveler and teacher. Jamie holds a B.A. in philosophy, trained and taught as a priestess with the Sisterhood of Avalon for thirteen years, and now regularly leads independent workshops and rituals at annual gatherings such as Reclaiming Witchcamp and the Land Sea Sky polytheist conference series. Some of her philosophical and spiritual influences include Hélène Cixous, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Caitlín Matthews, the poetry of Mary Oliver, the tarot teachings of Rachel Pollack, and the paintings of Georgia O’Keeffe. In addition to her public appearances, Jamie is also featured in the Red Tent documentary film (2012) and the Goddess on Earth project (2015). Murphy Robinson is a huntress, priestess, wilderness guide and activist. She has been casting circles since she was sixteen years old, and has taught both magic and wilderness skills across the US, and occasionally in Ireland and Sweden. She has pursued special study of spirit journeying, the Norse runes, archery as a magical practice, and meaningful rituals to honor the animals and plants who die to feed us. Her work often serves The Huntress and The Lord of the Dead. As a queer butch priestess, she explores healthy and healing ways to reclaim the sacred masculine. Murphy's spiritual development has been influenced by the work of Starhawk and the Reclaiming Tradition, Diana Paxson's work with runes and seidh, and Daniel Foor's teachings on animism. She lives on the side of a Vermont mountain at Hunter's Hollow, the headquarters of Mountainsong Expeditions. |
Thursday January 30
6-7:30 pm with Jamie Waggoner and Murphy Robinson Calling the four directions or four elements is a practice shared by many traditional cultures around the world. In this workshop we will trace the European elemental system and how it developed over time, in an effort to understand what a revival of these practice can look like people who seek to connect with their indigenous European ancestry. Brought to you by Way of the Weaver: a unique, nine-month journey of magical study and community building. Our learning circle embraces adults of all backgrounds and genders who are ready to learn a powerful skill set for spiritual transformation and growth. This training is rooted in the values of service, inclusive community, critical analysis of the oppressions that bewitch our society (capitalism, colonialism, racism, etc.), and deep respect for ancestral spiritual traditions from around the world. This is not a distinct magical tradition, but rather an open-source skill set with which to develop and/or deepen your own practice based on your background, callings, and ancestry. We believe that you are your own spiritual authority, and that by learning ritual skills and sacred technologies together in a space with clear boundaries and ethics, we can tap into our collective power for change. Cost is FREE with donations accepted for The Everything Space Pre-registration is not required. Inquires can be emailed to [email protected]. |