Jam Jams: Embodied Community Retreats
**Commitment to the whole weekend is necessary.**
Begins Friday at 6pm. End on Sunday at 3pm. Meals are co-created in teams once folks are registered. An email with meal team assignments will come to you the Tuesday before the Jam Jam. Ask about what to expect for lodging options. Jam Jam Cost: $75-$250 sliding scale (Work trade and barter often available.) Questions: Ask Abbi for more details: [email protected] Send in a $50 non-refundable deposit to hold your spot.
DEADLINE TO REGISTER is the Tuesday before the Jam Jam at 10am. View photos of past Jam Jams here. |
Dec 6-8, 2019
(This will be our 20th Jam Jam and will be our last time offering it) with Amanda Franz and Abbi Jaffe Our human bodies are designed to co-regulate with the earth and each other. We are wild and alive, and connection is intimately woven into what nourishes our nervous system. We invite you to join us for a weekend Jam Jam to listen deeply to your own inner ecosystem in connection to earth and community. The Jam Jams are our co-created social laboratory of embodied cultural possibility. Practice listening to yourself within community. What do you want to explore and learn? Where are your growth edges? What is possible when a committed group of people come together to improvise and connect for a weekend? Join us for a co-creative experience at the beautiful Reciprocity Vermont Embodiment Center in Underhill VT. We will cook together, be nourished and co-create community. Abbi and Amanda will offer activities based in embodiment practices, contact improvisation, authentic movement, the work of Joanna Macy (The Work that Reconnects), and in connection to nature. Half way through the weekend, participants will decide the direction of the weekend and will propose, offer, and lead classes and experiences and will gain experience facilitating. These events are incredibly rich. In the past the topics explored based on the group's interest have included explorations/conversations of healthy listening skills, how we adapt in the face of the environmental implications of our time, learning about how to embody consent, exploring how we speak truth, uncovering and conceptualizing gender dynamics and class and other privilege, discovering what is deeply nourishing, looking into how we connect as humans and animals to each other and our environments, re-shaping our relationship to touch and more. Limited to 6-10 participants. We have run over 19 Jam Jam Retreats. Most Jam Jams have return participants and often people bring friends back with them. We look forward to meeting you soon!