Mindful Eating Workshop
Tuesdays 11am-12pm : October 10, 17, 24, 31
with Lisa Mase Are you ready to re-define your relationship to food and eating? During the work day, we might eat quickly while multi-tasking. This habit can leave us feeling dissatisfied and even cause digestive distress. Let's change the way we relate to eating and make it a more enjoyable time! Mindful eating, or soulful eating, is a wonderful way to connect with the nervous system that lives in your guts and see how much better your digestion, mood and overall health can be when you honor its messages. This group practice will restore your love of eating and provide tools to de-stress, enjoy your food, and understand which foods are ideal for you. Bring your lunch and prepare to feel grounded, nourished and fulfilled as we explore breathing exercises and ways to de-stress while eating. $2-$10 suggested donation All are welcome, no one turned away. Questions? Contact Lisa: [email protected] | 802.598.9206 | www.healthyeatingprogram.info Lisa Masé is a food as medicine educator who helps people find healthy nourishment, balanced weight, and vitality with custom nutrition plans, hands-on cooking classes, and mindful eating. She empowers people to stay healthy with whole foods-based nutrition, use food as preventive care, and learn which dietary choices are best for them. She is certified in Sustainable Food Systems through the University of Vermont and studies Ayurveda from India, Chinese Medicine, and her native Mediterranean diet from Italy. For details visit www.healthyeatingprogram.info |