Reticulations: Remembering Ourselves into the Web of Life
Hazel weaves together a lifelong passion for dance and earth spirituality with nearly 30 years exploration of alternative healing. She offers integrative bodywork, energy work and nutritional/herbal support in her private practice in Montpelier. Attuning to the land through woodland play and gardening have been greatly influential in her life. She believes that the destructive path humans are on is directly related to a severed connection with the earth...with our bodies...with our sexual power. In reconnecting to our bodies, deeply in alignment with the very source of our blood and bones and flesh we can dismantle the systems of oppression, freeing ourselves to our greatest purpose and potential. |
Tuesdays March 10,17,24,31
6:30-8:30pm with Hazel Turrone *What is woven into our bodies? *How do we listen in to our internal wisdom through all the complicatedness of being human? *How do we find purpose in an uncertain and disconnected world? *How do we shift the patterns of destruction within our own bodies and liberate ourselves to who we truly are? A reticulation is an interconnected network. From our fascial system and branching nerves and capillaries to the rich tapestry of our life experiences and ancestral lineages, our bodies are created of a diversity of reticulations. In these 4 weeks of gentle curiosity, movement, art and sound, we will explore and honor all that is interwoven into the fabric of our bodies. We will recognize and give space to accept both the brilliance and the shadowy aspects of being human that live within. The shame we may have been steeped in, the painful patterns resulting from ancestral trauma that continue to play out in our lives, and the guilt we may consciously or unconsciously carry for being a human (and thus being a part of the destructive path we find ourselves on) are all possible layers woven into and disconnecting us from our truest expressions. Tenderly we can name and notice and find ways to move and express.... yet the focus and intention of this time is to liberate ourselves from these disconnecting layers, celebrate our gifts and thus re-member ourselves into the sacred web of life. Our bodies are made of the very earth itself. We are exquisite expressions (just like the trees, animals, and mushrooms) that have risen up from the reticulating mycelium that exists at the heart of life. Long ago - perhaps a couple of thousands of years for many of us - our ancestors lived in reverence and harmony with each other, their bodies and the earth. To be aligned in this way is to truly be in our power - in direct connection with the earth. Through the political/religious colonizing shame tactics, power-over dynamics that arose through agricultural practices and ownership of resources, and the vast amounts of trauma our people may have endured, we have been disconnected from the earth; from our power; from our bodies' innate wisdom. The visual-dominance and information-saturation of our technological dependence have further severed this connection. We all will die - perhaps naturally or from some sudden accident or even possibly mass extinction. No matter, we will die and return to the living web of life that we always have been a part. The fungal networks will decompose our flesh and we will return to the earth from which we rose. Yes- we will die and be reconnected. But what if reweaving ourselves back into conscious connection with the web of life before we die is the greatest gift we can offer the earth? What if freeing ourselves from the patterns of pain and disconnection and realigning with the source of our power is the greatest act of radical social change? What if this is the last dying days of our species - a last chance to reclaim our sacredness in harmony with the earth? What if this is our greatest purpose? And even if humans will continue for countless generations, any of us could die at any moment- this could be our last chance to awaken to who we truly are and honor the sacred brilliance of the earth expressed through us. Why not awaken in celebration of all the life we are in any given moment? Our time together will include embodiment practices, partnered practices, playful explorations, witnessing, free-writing, and drawing. Everything is an invitation - there is space to adapt, modify and co-create. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a journal if you have one. Sliding scale: $50-120... bartering options available - contact Hazel at [email protected] or 802-798-2170 Preregistration due by March 3rd. |